Bodily Autonomy

The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade did nothing less than strip essential freedoms from the women of this country.  But it goes beyond that.  For the first time in its history, the Court overturned longstanding precedent, not to expand Constitutional protections to those not previously covered, but to rescind them.  Legal access to abortion will now be determined by state legislatures and, even in states that will grant access to abortion, that access will be a privilege, not a right, and it will only be as secure as the pro-choice majority of the legislature.  Rights are universal and inalienable, privileges are granted by the state and so can be rescinded by the state.  If these and other issues, such as marriage equality and contraception, are to be remanded to state legislatures, we need to make sure those legislatures are populated with stewards of freedom who will defend them until a non-ideological, unbiased Supreme Court restores the recognition of these rights.  I will defend a woman's right to choose.